MATER LACTEA is a hand-held sculpture that is shaped in wax.

Later it is reproduced 1:1 in wood or marble or enlarged to be part of the open space or reduced to become wearable.


One of its sides represents the breast with the nipple pierced; the other side represents the mother’s head, turned to the side of the heart, facing that of the child.

The specular reflections of MATER LACTEA, side by side, generate a unity, namely the two breasts of the mother’s breast.

By sliding the thumb in the hollow between the mother’s head and the baby’s, we hold the sculpture, and by closing the nipple with the index finger, this becomes a shell/dipper to carry food or water to the mouth.


The breast is transformed into a tool to become the baby’s first contact with something that separates it from the breast itself, from the maternal, intimate touch and, while preserving its iconic memory, it initiates the baby into independent growth.