The Hands See: Dettoni’s article at Revista RE (ISSN 1135-2701)
PRESÈNCIES DE CULTURA CATALANA A ROMA – Book by Josep Maria Benítez Riera sj . Text and images of MARIA at the Gregorian University in Rome in 1999 (pages 131 to 140) ISBN 978-84-96409-95-8. WorldCat
ILLUSTRATIONS for the book of poems, NAUFRAGIS, by Carles Duarte i Montserrat – ISBN:978-84-17469-17.7. WorldCat
L’ULL DE LA VIOLENCIA –The Eye of the Violence– Book ISBN:978.84-9136-088-9 by several authors along with the images of Dettoni’s sculpture “Turn the other cheek” and its Presentation by Phd. Miriam Diez Bosch. WorldCat
PEACE GATE – CATALUNYA CRISTIANA – La pau no es diu, la pau es fa.
MATER LACTEA – BEBÉS Y MÁS – Maternidad y la lactancia hecha arte.
MIRIAM (bimonthly magazine, Seville ) – ISSN 0214-3879 / March April 2003 – pages 40 to 45 María entre las manos by Fernando Donaire.
INSIDE THE VATICAN (magazine) “A Statue of Mary to be held in your hand” by Crista Kramer von Reisswitz. ISSN 1068-8579 / Feb 2002
MARIA ASSISI – 2002 Santa Maria delle Rose in Assisi Beginning of the Permanent Exhibition – Italian Art Society.
ASSISI – SCOOP Independent News – New Zealand –
EL ROSTRE DE CRIST SEGONS GUIDO DETTONI DELLA GRAZIA (Face of Christ after Guido Dettoni ) Article by Miquel Ambròs Albertí, published by Serra d’or del “Cor Montserratí “ (monthly published magazine by Montserrat Abbey) Num,496 p, 9-11 – WorldCat
AVVICINAMENTO (APPROACH) Publication of the book on Guido Dettoni della Grazia’s paintings and sculptures. WorldCat
L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO (Vatican City) Dec 21, 2001, on the inauguration Jan 2002 of the permanent MARIA Exhibition in Assisi.
LA GREGORIANA (quarterly magazine of the PONTIFICIA UNIVERISAS GREGORIANA), April 2000, “La mostra dedicata a Maria” by Marina Lepori.
ARS SACRA (magazine) – Revista Del Patrimonio Cultural de La Iglesia Nº 11 – 12 DIC 1999 / “La imagen de la Virgen María de Guido Dettoni della Grazia” by Josep Martí Aixalá. Pages 49 to 53.
MARIA – PIA ALMOINA – Catalogue of the first world presentation of the multifaceted Icon MARIA at Pia Almoina (Diocesan Museum) of Barcelona. WorldCat
GRAN ENCICLOPEDIA DE MALLORCA (Great Encyclopedia of Mallorca)- Volume XVIII – article Guido Dettoni della Grazia and Appendix dedicated to YADA / ISBN 84-86.617-44.8. WorldCat
EAGLES – Outdoors at Serra Art Foundation – Sóller, Majorca: installation of 2 stone overlapped enlargements of the same sculpture, monumental sculpture reproduced on the book 101 Escultures a la Vall de Soller, published by the Serra Art Foundation / ISBN 8486617359. WorldCat
ARTESANS DEL PLA DE MALLORCA – coordination of the research for, and the edition of a book -as part of a European project- on the craft traditions of Majorca / ISBN 8460617564. WorldCat
more than 300 articles in newspapers and magazines are published since 1998 on Guido Dettoni Works of Art, in Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, United States, Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, Danemarc, Colombia, Singapore, Australia, Benin, Nigeria…