Guido Dettoni proposed to Miura Taro, a master of the Shakuhachi Zen flute, to join for a creative dialog between music and matter. So Guido was shaping with closed eyes and Miura playing, both improvising in reciprocity.

In the vídeo, the changing shapes of wax within hands are to be “touched with the eyes”.

Once the audiovisual experience is over, the final shape, hidden from the sight, can be “exclusively seen with the hands” by introducing them in a soft fabric sleeve. This can happen by appointment with Guido Dettoni in Barcelona ( or with Miura Taro in Japan (

This performance was hosted by Mercé Capdevila at her house in Barcelona April 2014.


Video & audio recording by Àlex Martínez Figuerola. Photography by Javier Parrilla.

Video editing by Juan Berlanga, directed by Guido Dettoni and produced by NESHER EDITIONS.


poerty by Carles Duarte

Taken away by essential music,
the trembling of the soul between the crystals of the air,
like an echo
of the song the master plucks from the bamboo,
the voice like a subtle wound from the shakuhachi,
the struck gesture,
pushed by the soft breeze
transforming matter,
shaping, re-shaping it,
building a dream in it,
the imprint of the mind,
cloud of words,
sculpting with the fingers
while the eyes sleep,
already alone
from the skin
flashes of light
in an ancient night.

Barcelona 16.6.2014


poerty by Carles Duarte

Endutes per la música essencial,
la tremolor de l’ànima entre els cristalls de l’aire,
les mans,
com un ressò
del cant que el mestre arrenca del bambú,
la veu com una nafra subtil del shakuhachi,
el gest colpit,
empès pel vent silent del tacte
transforma la matèria,
fent-la, refent-la,
construint-hi un somni,
l’empremta de la ment,
nua de mots,
esculpint-se amb els dits
mentre dormen els ulls,
ja sols
des de la pell
batecs de llum
dins d’una nit antiga.

Barcelona 16.6.2014

Matter and Sound

Antoni Pons, Semiologist

The sounds of the speech are converted into meaning. This relationship between sound and meaning generates the language. This Transmutation experience was about transducing the sound of the Shakuhachi capturing its physical waves to materialize them in a malleable matter through hands reaching the same “tempo” of the musical theme. Hands can find a morphological consistency with the sound. Initially they listen; the matter is heard and speaks to the touch in mutual reciprocity. Then the sound “becomes visible” within a new horizon of the thinking.  

Barcelona 1.6.2014

Materia y Sonido

Antoni Pons, semiólogo


Los sonidos del habla son reconvertidos en significado. Esta relación entre sonido y significado genera el lenguaje. En esta experiencia de Transmutación se ha tratado de transducir el sonido del Shakuhachi -de captar sus ondas físicas- para materializarlo en materia maleable a través de las manos alcanzando el mismo “tempo” del tema musical.  Las manos son capaces de hallar una coherencia morfológica con el sonido. En un primer tiempo las manos escuchan y la materia se oye, habla al tacto, en mutua reciprocidad.  En un segundo tiempo, el sonido “se hace visible” dentro de un nuevo horizonte del pensamiento.  

Barcelona 1.6.2014