HOME HANDSMATTER The shapes of silence
Les formes del silenci
A HANDSMATTER workshop to live a collective creative process in order to “give shape to the silence“.
This has been achieved individually with the experience itself, witnessed by the wax “shapes” and with their images modeled by each participant blindfolded.
The sensory and mental journey into silence is preceded by tactile communication between all participants. Sitting opposite each other, their 4 hands in movement share malleable matter, guiding and being guided; almost dancing together to the sound of unforeseen impulses that arise from the encounter with each other through the matter that unites and separates.
After this silent talk, the individual process begins with an auditory journey, designed for this experience that is muted to lead to the threshold of inner silence.
While the hands move in the matter, there will be no conscious intention to model something specific.
The threshold of inner silence is crossed by each one and it is then when the hands stop that the process comes to its end.