Mythological character created by the Mallorcan poet Miquel Costa i Llobera.

She is the protagonist of the epic poem entitled “La deixa del geni grec” (“The legacy of the Greek genius“).

The name Nuredduna was coined by Costa i Llobera himself, from the word “nur”, which in Arabic means “light”.

The poem “La deixa del geni grec” was written in 1900, in Pollença.

It narrates how some Greeks disembarked in Mallorca, near the Port of Pollença, were taken prisoner by a Talayotic tribe whose king was the father of the sibyl Nuredduna and locked up in the caves of Artá. With them travels a young poet and harpist, Melesigeni, an alter ego of Homer.

One night, Nuredduna, in love with the young Melesigeni, frees them, but in the escape, Melesigeni forgets his lyre in the cave. This will be the legacy of Greek genius, the classicism that fertilized popular poetry and will give rise to cultured poetry.

Nuredduna is discovered and condemned to die by stoning and then the poet writes that, at the moment of expiring, the stones told her: for a beat of the eagerness with which your heart expires, we would give the centuries of calm that we have (per un batec de l’ànsia amb que ton cor expira daríem les centúries de calma que tenim).

Just as the stones were contained by the hands of the executioners,

they, through us, contain Nuredduna, feeling its heartbeat.